Friday, August 31, 2007

June and Johnny

I have a problem. I am pretty sure I don't want to fix it either. I just watched Walk The Line for probably the 5th time all the way through not to mention all the times I will stop to watch a scene when it is on HBO. I was supposed to go to bed sooooo long ago. But I would just want to see one more scene, hear one more song. Sigh. I could watch it again.
This picture is just lovely.

A good day...

Molly was a lucky little girl today. She has been in love with her stuffed animals lately. She calls them "her animals" and when we are driving out of the driveway she will yell goodbye to them from her car seat all the way down our road. Until Ella asks her to stop.

Well, today we went to visit the library, as we walked downstairs to the children's room, Corinne our friendly librarian greeted Molly with some good news. She had won our THIRD prize of the summer. ( our prizes have included a book, and Ella guessed the closest without going over the number of smarties in a mug so she won the mug with the smarties--sweet) We have been on quite a roll. Deb called baloney sandwich and said it was fixed. I wish I had a camera to capture the look on Molly's face when Corinne showed her what she had won! She had "TiTi" (his new name) around her neck as she walked up the steps at the end of our visit. That was one happy girl. She gave Ella the book that came with it. Everybody Wins!

Ella had a good kid day today. Between the library and lunch with Natalie, as well, it got better when Natalie came over and stayed for dinner and a sleepover. KID GOLD!
I caught them having some popcorn and looking so old.

But still so cute...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where I have been the past few days....

"Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing." -Name that movie-

Well I am back at it! A new year with a new principal. I am one happy chick! This man is amazing. Seriously in 9 years of education this has been the best 2 days of my career. I am not even exaggerating.
He is thoughtful, he follows through with things, he OWNS our school-he cares about what is happening, he is smart, he knows what he is doing. Then paired with our Amazing Vice Principal who is tireless in her enthusiasm, energy and caring for our kids- we are in such a good place. Now I just worry about consolidation. Consolidation is the State of Maine's excuse not to fund education. Argggg...what a career I chose.

So with my new found energy I have finally after 4 years moved my back office around. And I love it. Though most of you have never seen the before, sorry but this is the after. It is a nice little space. My favorite part. My front office is big...meetings and groups happen there. I have a couch, etc....but the back office is cozy and I just love it.

This is my new table for things to be accomplished. As you can see I have much to be accomplished. Darn it. Oh well. I have great energy and plans for the year. Study skills, friendship groups, Girls Group, Student Council, Student Assistance Team, Junior Honor Society, and on and on and on....Talk to me next week.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just a thought at the end of a day....

A Wish For You
---Susan Roth-Weitzel

If I could blow a dandelion
And make your dreams come true
I'd wish only the very best
In all the world for you
I'd ask the fairies to please
Leave the stardust in your eyes
And not disturb the shining
Dreams you hope to realize
I'd ask the shadows not to cross
Your path to cause you to falter
And I'd ask the Lord to
Bless you, always my daughter

I just love this song...and she is adorable.

Uncle John

A great visit with Uncle John...though at times our family was a number one form of birth control. Sorry Uncle John. Ella sure does love him...Molly just doesn't trust him-"Your mommy is NEVER coming back" Gee I wonder why?!?! Thanks for being so patient and kind to our kids, Uncle John. We had a great time with you!
Wish the rest of the siblings could have been there. We sure miss you too, Ally!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My new Urn-inals...

We got a couple gifts while we were away.
Meme gave me a couple Urns I had been coveting for a while now. I think they have found a perfect new home by our stone wall. And as we were standing admiring our new urns in their new home we noticed that our house looked a whole lot cleaner...Yeah Mom and Marty...they have started. It already looks awesome!
I also spent a good part of the day planting a bunch of irises, a hosta, and a autumn joy that Meme gave me from her gardens. I hope that they will make it in their new homes. I am always so nervous about gardening. I am sure that I am going to kill plants. Keep your fingers crossed. We will see what transpires next spring.

What we love best about the cottage-the most beautiful sunsets...

Ella being a majestic eagle...

My new boyfriend...

Uncle John...

mmmmmm...smores and corn on the cob...

Good food was a definite theme for our week away.
Dad and Holly shared their corn that they grew. Oh man. So yummy!
And who doesn't love a smore?!?!

Cottage Part Deux

We had an end of the summer trip to the Cottage. A little RandR before the reality of two working parents sets in again. We had a great trip. Lobsters on the first night with Grandpa, Meme, and Grandma Roe, lots of smores (so we are all alittle Puffy now), playing and playing and playing, a trip to the zoo, a visit from Uncle John, and Dad's sailboat launching! So good!

So despite some crabby kids at the end of the week---overall we had a great trip. We were all happy to get home. We all know it is time to settle down and prepare ourselves for what comes next.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The City Mouse comes to visit her Country Cousins

YEAH! Therese came to visit! On her way to a vacation in Bar Harbor, she gave us the pleasure of her company. It is always such a treat!

So we packed up a picnic and headed down to Prescott Park for dinner and a play. Not just any play...

I am not sure Ella could have been any happier. Maria and the children ran right down the sidewalk next to her!!!!! If she could have stayed awake she would have gladly stayed until the end. But Mr. SandMan got the best of her. AND freaky, crazy Sand Man got the best of Molly.

This morning we went out for a yummy breakfast and the girls got some good time with Therese before I took her up to Portland to the bus station. We always love a visit from Therese!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Driving the Gundalow

At the Park...

Walking to the park to have lunch...

Mommy, I am doing my ballerina dance!

A couple of Monkeys

More Pics...

Uh, I am not really sure how I made that sound and it is kind of freakin' me out...

Running the Kids' Cafe. Best Meal I have ever had!

Girls Day in the "Big" City

The Nason Girls got given the kids equivilant of the holy grail...three free tickets to the Portsmouth Childrens Museum. Free Madness is so much better then paying for the madness. The Childrens Museum is such an ordeal. It is really only fun if you can have the place to yourself or just a couple other families. Otherwise it is a whole lot of bumping into other parents who are trying to rein in their kids. But we hit the museum at a good time today-right before and into lunch time. So the girls were free to explore. Much fun was had.
After the museum, we moved on down to Prescott Park for a picnic lunch and then ice cream and walking/running around the gardens. We even took a tour of the Gundalow.
Lots of fun.

Manning the Submarine