Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cutest Pic of Lou Lou...EVER!!!

I stole this pic from my sister-in-law because I am in love with it. How cute is she?

Perry and Liz

Finally, a picture of the bride and groom from the wedding I went to...
Comgratulations and much happiness!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dinner tonight

One of our favorite ways to use up Turkey Leftovers...Turkey Quesadillas with Cranberry Salsa.
I am giving the recipe for Cranberry Salsa because you should all (4 of you who read this) try it.

1 cup of cranberry sauce
1/4 cup of chopped fresh cilantro
2 Tablespoon green onions
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 Anjou Pear, cored and finely diced

1 jalapeno, seeded and minced-We skip this at this stage of the game because the kids won't eat spicy food.

The quesadillas are turkey, green onions, jack cheese...Serve with salsa and fat free sour cream.

Our salsa is chilling in the fridge. Watching the Pats, drinking a #9 and looking forward to a yummy dinner. Perfect end to Thanksgiving Break.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Things I have realized after a very long day...
1. The Good-I am realizing that Lori is not only my sister-in-law but also my friend. The Lamberts are becoming good friends. I got to see Ella walk down the street with her friend, Levi and put her hand around his back just cause she cares for him. Sweet little kid moment. My father-in-law and brother-in-law are very good to me when my husband is not around.
2. The Bad-When it has been over a year maybe two since you have seen people it is okay to pass on the most recent event that involves them because they won't find it important that you are there even though you travelled with two kids for an hour in your car to see them. Molly is a wreck after two hours in the car, a 20 minute nap and let loose in a pizza place and then Christmas Tree Lighting. She has no off switch just more amped. The three of us do not do well on a day of crappy food.
3. The Ugly-Carrying both Ella and Molly under an arm screaming from the Bethel Church Choral Group singing at the Gazebo...I have nothing else to say.
Except this...they sure are cute.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Santa's Mail Box

The night before Thanksgiving, Deb and I made this lovely mailbox for the North Berwick Tree Lighting Event. I completed it today and promised I would take lots of pics. OF course I had to include the kids. Ella already has her letter to Santa in there. She is ready to write another.

This is wrong on so many levels...

And this was before dinner...

The Turkey

It was so good...he was going to eat but it just made him break out in song.

Thanksgiving '06

We celebrated Thanksgiving quietly this year with Steve's dad and one brother, Phil. We were missing all the rest of the crew. But the food was good and Ella ate heartily and happily, wondering after if we could have Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Obigatory Cute Grandchildren pics

Monday, November 20, 2006

I am 35

And I know that because I just looked in the mirror and there was a bright white hair hanging out with all the rest of the brown ones.

Great birthday weekend. Lots of love from all over the country...a blog entry on a "famous" blog...serenade on the voice mail...taken out for a yummy! dinner...spoiled by my husband...loved by my kids. It was all good.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Governor is coming...

The Governor John Baldacci is coming to our school to read the Night Before Christmas at our Holiday Concert. How hysterically awesome is that!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Happy Birthday!

Today is Jen Chapman and Lori Nason's Birthdays!!!!!
Happy Birthday you two scorpios!!!!

Pomegranate Chocolate Truffle-

See this awesome looking recipe on the Brownie Points blog.
May have to be my "cookie recipe" for the cookie swap this year.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nothing funny happened to me today

It is true.

Maybe after such a funny weekend, my funny bone has been overused.
Though I am watching Dustin Hoffman on Inside the Actor's Studio...he is pretty funny.

I miss my friends already. I have not made friends like those since knowing them way back when...thank god. :) I wish I could see them more.

Now, being the good friends they are, they will make fun of me.

I got my boots...yeah my boots and me

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't stare at this too long....

The view from the reception...

What a group! What good times! What good friends!

and on it went...

The Reception

Our first night in Brooklyn. We had a great time. Despite the extra hours it took us to get there because of traffic, we were happy to land in a fun area of Brooklyn, a couple blocks from friends, Pete and Erin. We went out to dinner at Bonnie's Grill. Very diner-esque! But the best veggie chili cheese fries I have ever had. Perfect first meal. And then met up with people at a bar. I don't know the name but it had two bocci ball courts with the fanciest bocci ball players I have ever seen. I thought that there was a law somewhere that says you are not allowed to play bocci ball in pearls and heels.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I got a new outfit, a new haircut and clean eyebrows

I am ready for a weekend in NYC.
Thank you to all the insights and support I got from all of you. I went on Saturday and bought an outfit at a great store in Portsmouth called Serendipity. The outfit is simple but elegant. A black skirt, simple lines-flowing. The top is a black tank with a beautiful long-sleeve lace top over it. It is antique white with satin trim along the button line and a satin tie around the back. I will wear black mary janes for shoes. I know I am going to be comfortable and I love the outfit.

ALSO...big night! I got the best haircut tonight. I have been waiting probably 4 years for a haircut like this. I got it done by a woman in town named Irish Nason. She had vision, confidence and I got a great hair cut. YEAH! I also got my eyebrows waxed. I love that. Best 8 bucks I have spent in a while.

Sarah, speaking of addicting. I could get used to this manicure, waxing, nice haircut, new outfits. BUT cleaning is cheaper!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nigella is my Goddess!

She is beautiful, fun to watch and listen to, and seems like a fabulous cook! Watch her on Food Network on Sundays. Today she did an episode on Chocolate. She made Grown Up Hot Chocolate with Rum. Looked like a perfect drink for the holidays.

Cleaning can be fun...

Oh boy...I am on fire. I just got done throwing stuff out, I mean cleaning, in the kitchen. Just found a chipped mug on the shelf that had receipts in it from 2004. Hmmmm, yep, threw it out. Drawings of I don't know what on the counter, I love Ella's art work but we have about 100 more of those same pictures upstairs that we are "saving". Hmmmmm, yep, threw 'em out. Lots of plastic CRAP. Hmmmmmmm, yep, threw those out too. Are you getting the picture??? What fun! My kitchen looks fabulous. I organized my cookbooks, watered my plants, and basically tidied the cobwebs out of my favorite space in my house.
Steve told me that the Joy of Cooking is printing a new edition this holiday season!!!! What fun! I love my Joy of Cooking. Steve said they are including Wassel in the new edition. A prize for the person who can tell me what Wassel is? But apparently it is very exciting that they are including Wassel. One woman said that she has an edition from the 60s plus like 4 or 5 other editions. That is one well loved CookBook. Really, though, if I am ever looking for anything to cook or about cooking I look at my Joy of Cooking.
Tonight I made a chicken pot pie from scratch. Not totally, I bought the pastry for the top. But I boiled the organic stewing chicken from the farm and picked off all the meat on Friday night. Then made the pot pie tonight! The secret yummy ingredient was NUTMEG! I have never had homemade pot pie before and it was FANTASTIC! Perfect for a cool fall night.
Watching the Pats and Nigella Feasts before collapsing in bed! Looking forward to a 4 day week!

When the dads are away, the moms and kids will play

A day in the life of a fashion model...it isn't pretty

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I can only laugh...

Parent conference night and I was being gratious starting a conversation with a parent. I finished the conversation and walked away. As I was walking by her on my way back to my office she grabbed my hand and said....drumroll please...in a hushed whisper...like we were going to be in this together...we can rejoice and celebrate after she hears the word she is so sure is yes..."Beth, are you pregnant?" Hammer falling.
"Oh no", I respond. "Oh, it is just baby weight that I have yet to lose." So red faces all around. BUT my friends...it doesn't end there. OH NO!
She then continues...completely straight faced with care and concern, "Are you sure it is not a tumor."

I wish I was kidding.