Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cleaning can be fun...

Oh boy...I am on fire. I just got done throwing stuff out, I mean cleaning, in the kitchen. Just found a chipped mug on the shelf that had receipts in it from 2004. Hmmmm, yep, threw it out. Drawings of I don't know what on the counter, I love Ella's art work but we have about 100 more of those same pictures upstairs that we are "saving". Hmmmmm, yep, threw 'em out. Lots of plastic CRAP. Hmmmmmmm, yep, threw those out too. Are you getting the picture??? What fun! My kitchen looks fabulous. I organized my cookbooks, watered my plants, and basically tidied the cobwebs out of my favorite space in my house.
Steve told me that the Joy of Cooking is printing a new edition this holiday season!!!! What fun! I love my Joy of Cooking. Steve said they are including Wassel in the new edition. A prize for the person who can tell me what Wassel is? But apparently it is very exciting that they are including Wassel. One woman said that she has an edition from the 60s plus like 4 or 5 other editions. That is one well loved CookBook. Really, though, if I am ever looking for anything to cook or about cooking I look at my Joy of Cooking.
Tonight I made a chicken pot pie from scratch. Not totally, I bought the pastry for the top. But I boiled the organic stewing chicken from the farm and picked off all the meat on Friday night. Then made the pot pie tonight! The secret yummy ingredient was NUTMEG! I have never had homemade pot pie before and it was FANTASTIC! Perfect for a cool fall night.
Watching the Pats and Nigella Feasts before collapsing in bed! Looking forward to a 4 day week!


Anonymous said...

Bethers... I JUST posted my U2 comment and you post a comment within 5 minutes! totally hysterical.. I am imagining you after a hard day of cleaning your awesome house... taking a moment to put you MAC on your lap to check up on me... fabulous people like yourself keep fabulous company. I am so happy for you and your organizing.. doesn't it feel awesome?

The Iron Squirrel said...

I cant wait to eat your home-cooking in December. CANT WAIT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

watch out-it can be infectious! :>) and that mouth was watering, i need to try that one. did the kiddos eat it righ up?

Barngirl said...

surprisingly-no but it has all the stuff they love so the stars must have been aligned weird...or they just had too many cheese and crackers.