Monday, July 09, 2007

What we have been doing...

Things are quiet around here this morning. Ella is off to Fairy Camp this morning. A whole week of Fairy-ness. Costumes, houses, stories...She is gone until 3:00. Oh boy. Good time for Ella and nice time for Molly to get some one on one time with mom and dad. Right now Moo is plastered to my side.
I had to wake Ella up this morning at 8:10 to get out the door on time. We had a couple busy nights recently. Friday night was Nason night. Saturday we had errands in the morning and then we were invited to dinner down the road at Justin and Heidi's house. Justin built our deck for us and they own a big beautiful colonial with three horses. Heidi is a large animal vets in Sanford. It was a wonderful time. Heidi took all the kids out to the barn to help feed the horses and then even gave some rides. Ella enjoyed trotting along on the side but safely excused herself from an actual ride by saying she couldn't ride in a dress. Heidi, bless her, told Ella she could back in jeans anytime for a ride another time. Their house is wonderful. It is one of the original farms on the road. They have done A LOT of work on it with A LOT more to go. With about 16 rooms in the place, it is a good thing Justin is a carpenter. We had such a fun time with the two other families there that when I looked at the clock it was TEN O'CLOCK!
Sunday was another day of cleaning and errands and then the Lamberts came over for dinner. We hadn't seen them since May so it was great to get back together with them. Ella and Levi had a lot of fun and Lincoln and Molly got into a lot of mischief. Lilia just happily amused herself. A very nice time...hard biscuits in the shortcake aside.

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