Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What they will do for a little attention...

John called today. The first time we had talked in a month or so...could I have a couple minutes of peace...of course but it would cost me. THIS is what my girls looked like when the call was over. Man oh man.


The Iron Squirrel said...

Hey, at least he got a few minutes. We usually just trade voicemails or I get a "hey how are you..." followed by a "MOMMMYYY!!???" in the background....not complaining...just commenting

Colleen said...

And some day, the tables will be turned when you can't get them off their cell phones, which at that point will be embedded in their heads as microchips.

Barngirl said...

Ally-believe me there were many Mommmmmy's in the background.

And Colleen-I have that figured out---they are just going to skip over their teen years!