Saturday, September 15, 2007

Community Appreciation Day

Big Fun today in North Berwick. Today was Community Appreciation Day put on by the Primary School's PTO. A full day of F-U-N. There was a pancake breakfast at the community center. The girls and I met up with lots of friends and gobbled up some pancakes. A little town gossip and updates started the day right. Watching Ella connect with new friends and old was fun to watch. Then in the afternoon we went to the school for a concert. Marcus Gale is a local who does a kid show-music, stories, juggling. It was fun. Her principal even got up to sing a song. A very nice kindergarten-life is a circle, sun, moon-guitar strummin' kind of song. Ella got up to dance, giggle, and laugh. Her new friend from class was there and it was sweet to see them play. Ella's teacher stopped to stay hello and shared that Ella is ALWAYS smiling, ALWAYS Happy. It was fun to go to a school event.

Tonight Steve and I are going on a date. YAHOO! Grumpa is coming over to watch the girls. The sun just came out so it should be a beautiful night in Portsmouth. I think we are just doing some Flatbread Pizza-BUT so YUMMY and so COZY. And that is all I need tonight. Nothing more. That and some time with Steve-a-rino aka Steve-O aka Nase aka Daddy aka my hubby.
On a side note, I made a husband crack about Steve to a woman today and she had Steve's back. Told me Steve is really pretty good-that I can't complain. Well-lookee here-I have to remember Steve is in with all the moms. He is probably complaining to all the other moms about me. I am living Mr. Mom. Really, though Steve is good. I came home from the concert and he had cleaned the downstairs-dishes, vacuuming, tidying. I am a lucky woman.

More later-may try to take some P-Town pics for all you traitors that moved south and west. So you will all miss us and want to move back. OR at least miss us! Smooches!


Anonymous said...

We're not traitors sweetheart, we're just more adventurous! Heehee...

Barngirl said...

So you moved south-more adventurous then who? Surely you are not talking about me. Haahaa...

Anonymous said...

Just kidding, just kidding!
We think you would actually like it here.