Sunday, March 11, 2007


Ella and I were sitting on the couch watching a Barefoot Contessa episode that had some good food ideas for Molly's birthday. Molly was upstairs snoozing. Something moving on the floor below our feet caught my eye and lo and behold a mouse comes strolling out from under the couch. Ella and I both started whimpering. Of course Steve had JUST left for the grocery store. I was imagining us on the couch for hours as the mouse, moused around the floor, sniffing here and there.
Meepers played with the mouse for a while but after the painfulness of watching that process I decided to take the situation in stride and not let a little mouse paralyze our afternoon. So...with a broom and a cardboard box I chased the mouse around the living area. The first time I caught the mouse I freaked myself out provoking a screech out of me and screams out of my kids. After calming them, I calmed myself and got the little bugger into the box and out the door. HURRAH!
A small triumph for a Sunday afternoon.


The Iron Squirrel said...

HAHA! I expect more out of Meepers!

Kelly Elizabeth said...

hhhaaaa I love that visual. I scream like a little girl when I see them also!