Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here comes Maria...

Remember the anticipation of knowing that the Sound of Music was going to be on T.V. Usually around Thanksgiving or was it Easter? I loved it then but not as much as I do now and not as much as my oldest daughter. I think she has watched it more than 20 times but less than 50. So much that she knows a lot of the words to the songs and when she just turned 3, she would act out the scenes to the songs on CD. She loves it so much that yesterday when we were listening to the CD in the car and we got to the instrumental part, I turned it and Ella said, "Mom turn it back I love this part. This is the part when Maria gets married". Of course I turned it back. One night when I was putting her to bed after watching part of the Sound of Music before bed she said, "Mommy, I wish I could BE IN the Sound of Music". She asks questions out of the blue, like why is the Captain so mad, grumpy? or why is Maria scared during this song? Her favorite children are all of them, but she gets a silly smile on her face if I ask her if Fredric is her favorite. Could he be her first crush? NO...that was Francesco from Zoom. I love watching her watch this movie. Best of all is knowing that this was her grandmother Mona's favorite movie.

"Together now....Doe a Deer a female Deer, Ray a drop of golden sun. Me a name I call myself, Fa a long long way to run, So a needle pulling thread, La a note to follow SO, Tea a drink with jam and bread which will bring us back to Doe, Doe, Doe, Doe".

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