Monday, July 31, 2006


Our neighbor girl babysitter was here this evening. As we were waiting for her mom to arrive she exclaimed that she loved our house. "It is so pretty and so CLEAN" she said. Those of you who know me know how incredibly hysterical that is. The clean part I mean. But I guess that goes to show you that there are varying degrees of cleanliness. Someone out there thinks I live in a clean house. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The Iron Squirrel said...

Hmmm...I remember saying that to you in college...remember what my apartment looked like it college? Hmmm....

The Iron Squirrel said...

PS Gilmore Girls twie on Tuesday and the new ones come out in AUGUST!!!!! I think the last season!!!!! I saw a ginormous billboard of Rory's face up in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd!!!!!
I love her!!!!

The Iron Squirrel said...

Your faithfulness to this blog sucks. Its been a week. GET WITH IT!!!!People need to procrastinate you know!