Sunday, July 30, 2006

a couple things

1. I love how I feel during and after excercise. WHY the HELL can't I get in a better habit of doing it?
2. I bought an enamel platter at the flea market today for 8 bucks. I love it. It inspired us to have lobster for dinner tonight. YUM!
3. I read the best book about life and death today. Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles. It is for kids/teens and it is wonderful. I cried through the last probably 10 pages. Not from just sadness but from the extreme simplicity and beauty this author used to convey death and living and family. There was nothing flowery or overdone. Just brilliant. One of my favorite quotes...
"It takes courage to look life in the eye and say YES to the messy glory."
If you read the book you will understand how perfect it is.
4. I would like to be a better friend. Friendships are a whole topic in and of itself. I am not a very good friend. Never have been. I rarely remember birthdays, send cards, get good gifts, I rarely call people just to talk. I wonder why. Hmmmmmmm...
5. My husband is the blueberry picking MAN. We already have 4 bags of frozen goodness stacked up in our freezer. I love blueberries.
6. Sufjan Stevens, fantabulous singer, check him out. Listened to his song...To be alone with you...on my walk tonight. Beautious.

1 comment:

The Iron Squirrel said...

You may think you are a bad friend but you are a phenomenal sister. I am bad at calling people too, dont feel bad about that. I dont care if I get gifts or not, I still know you love me and a card just gets thrown out eventually anyway. Also, exercise is something you have to force yourself to do- otherwise I wouldnt do it at all even though it DOES make me feel great before and after. Its harder when you have kids I am sure. Just think of it this way- if you run/walk 45 minutes a day thats almost 4 miles daily...20 miles a week. I tell myself that if its only 45 minutes out of a whole 24 hour day then its not so hard. Dont give up and take the weekend off!