Thursday, April 19, 2007

Home Again...

We survived the almost 8 hour drive together. We, Nason Girls, can handle the road. I had a lot of fun on my visit home. The house is always so cozy and welcoming. Even the area with all its faults still feels so familiar and comfortable to me. Driving around Watertown with the visit to the zoo and the library brought a rush of good feelings. It reminds me of who I am and where I started from. Though the town has gotten sadder over the years I really only have good memories of my time there. Sunday afternoons before we left to go back to Syracuse in the Arcade...the record store, antique store and other shops....especially the box of Kandee Korn before we headed out. Emsall's Department store with the revolving door...What was the other dept. store that was done there??? I can't remember...Barbara Moss and Carter's in the Woolworth Plaza. Trips to the Y to play Basketball, go swimming, or run on the track. I rode my bike everywhere. The best stop, of course, Puff's for some Ice Cream. I guess I was lucky as a kid that I grew up in a place that felt so safe. That had neighborhoods and a downtown that was so exciting and interesting for a kid.
It was a good place to go for my vacation.
Molly's favorite part of the trip...Playing with Grandpa...ball with Grandpa...Banner ball with Grandpa. Ella's favorite part was the Zoo. The difference between the two was Molly was still talking about the trip at bedtime and Ella sighed contently...I am happy to be home. I hope that Steve and I are creating the same childhood memories for our girls. So that they will return to their Home/Town and feel what I feel for the farmhouse and Watertown.


The Iron Squirrel said...

very touching. clearly you didnt attend high school in the area. I did like Puffs a lot though.

Miss you guys...

Kelly Elizabeth said...

not a mention of me... not one. You don't want to post that we drank wine and sat in the hot tub naked?