"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us."
Anne Lamott
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Just a couple things
Ella's picture of a spider on it's web. Ella being cute.
Ella is the next Jackson Pollock, coupled with Picasso! That's my girl!! She and I should share some spider/spider web paintings. It used to be my favourite subject to paint not long ago... :)
Ella is the next Jackson Pollock, coupled with Picasso! That's my girl!!
She and I should share some spider/spider web paintings. It used to be my favourite subject to paint not long ago...
More like Ella looking more and more grown up!
I know she would love that Sri.
Can you even believe it, Phil?
We can't wait to get you guys back here. Turkey day will be great!
Look at that Ella... just look at her! so cute.
When I goto your site from Italy everything is in Italian!
bet you didn't know i knew Italian...
I love that little kids' crafts are still being made with egg cartons.
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