I have to say Matt Damon over Tom Brady. Anybody care to weigh in here???
It is late and I am tired. Fluff, my brain needs fluff-


Just so he knows...#1, baby-#1.
"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us." Anne Lamott
Steve has a better arm and Matt Damon is another
Hollywood jerk.
Steve wins hands down!
Steve wins, of course! Damon? Distant 2nd.
Salon published their own Sexy Man list today, which I started to read but then I got distracted by my job.
I am not going to be a damn sheep, sorry Steve. Matt Damon is ridiculously hot. Handsome tom brady is every new england mans crush. He is starting to look like he has down syndrome...much like peyton manning, but dont get me started...he air brushes really well...
Allyson is dead to me.
As R U to her, apparently:o
Those NE boys are a rough crowd. Eye candy, all.
But we know who your Daddy is....
hahaha....you know I love ya Steve, I just needed a sarcastic new england statement...dont get much of that out here.
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