I hope that you have a Happy, Happy Birthday-Know that my life is better having you in it! Even if it is just a smidgen...
You are Lovely! Thanks for being BORN!
"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us." Anne Lamott
Oh, it was so great talking to you. I miss the old us.
Here's something I stumbled onto that made me laugh out loud and think of you. . .
Not the rodent aspect, but the hilarity aspect. And the voice. I could hear you telling this story. . . though I hope you will never have to.
Love you!
Yeah-that is kind of too close to home. Have you seen our van lately??? Though more likely it would be a mouse and I actually think we had a mouse die in our heating system one winter because when I turned the heat on the girls and I were bombarded with the most awful smell. It was a topic of conversation for weeks.
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