The Christmas shopping was some of the best Christmas Shopping I have ever done. We went to this lovely shop in S. Berwick, The Little Hat Co. Check out their website. You can even order on-line. She was running awesome sales on all Melissa and Doug products-buy two get one free...we bought more then two and get many free. PLUS the Easel which was normally 44.99 we got for 35 dollars. The kicker was how happy everyone in the store was that we were shopping there. That is the kind of shopping I get happy about. They even wrapped most of the items. Steve and I were giggling when we left. Dinner at Flatbread Pizza wrapped the evening up perfectly in a nice Birthday bow.
Sunday I got to sleep in and then Steve made me French Toast for breakfast.

To all my friends and family, who called, sent cards and especially the love and happiness that I am in this world-THANK YOU! I felt like one lucky lady all weekend.
Steve asked me at dinner how it felt to be turning 36-closer to 40 than 30. Really I couldn't ask for anything more. If I have to be 36, if I have to get is okay because I am in such a good place. I love my life. Plus-Sri told me 40 is the "new 30". SOOOOOO really I am 26.
Seriously 36 rocks-I feel I am getting better with age!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I'm sending the Jersey love your way.
So nice to hear about your birthday. Awesome.
you are like a fine wine my dear sister. one that i will always cherrish!
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