Sunday, August 13, 2006


So I have come to the realization that cleaning and exercise are the same for me in my brain. I love when I do it, but I can not get in the habit of doing it regularly. Now, let me just say folks that I am on a strong excercise swing. Three weeks of regular walks/jogs, I have even started to throw in some sit-ups. Got to start seeing my toes again. So is there hope for the house?
Today I spent a beautiful day doing laundry, PUTTING AWAY clean clothes, putting clean sheets on beds, vacuuming and even washing out the diaper pail. But the beauty being that the girls and I still spent time outside coloring, going for a dual-y walk for me, going for a walk for them and playing a game Ella made up. Plus all the time they played together with the stuff in my trunk in my room, on the bed, in the pack-n-play, dancing. SO what is my point...
All the time my excuse for not cleaning is not wanting to miss out on good things with the girls but today was a good day and I cleaned. Both girls fell asleep quickly always a sign of a good day. What will my excuse be now? Guess I have no excuses. Oh hell who am I kidding?
But it sure was a good day!

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