Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tornado in NoBo

Punkinfiddle Editorial

We had a beautiful day at Laudholm farm today celebrating with Punkinfiddle. The sun was shining we all got to wear layers of clothing (probably a New England thing to get excited about that) and enjoy the peace and fun of that beautiful place. The kids and I were sad to find out that our friends who were supposed to join us had a sick child but we went anyway and had a blast.
After Ella's gym class, we headed over.

We did some dancing to some great bluegrass/celtic music, took a wagon ride through the trails, saw lots of neat farm animals, made an attempt to fly our kite...maybe another time, Ella listened to some books, and we all had fun just being together.

Enjoy the pictures below. What a great day!

Punkinfiddle Pics 2

Punkinfiddle Pics

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The season premiere did not disappoint.
I was missing my GG buddy. Looking for her input as to whether she felt the show delivered.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We had a happy weekend here in Maine. With Ella's actual bday on Monday, we celebrated the event with a visit from Grandpa and Meme, Charlotte and a party. I think we have trained Ella to become a party girl. Nothing makes that girl happier than to know that our house will be full of people, young and old doesn't matter. It was nice to see her happy and relaxed with good friends and family.

We reminicsed with Grandpa and Meme about 4 years ago today...They had come up early to help us finish our house before Ella came into the world. What a time...some bickering, some beer and lots of love. I look at this house and see all the spots that have the signature of those who helped us make this "dream" become our home. I love September and I know the love comes from the time we spent working to this day four years ago.

Happy Birthday, Girl!

What happens when Grandpa goes in the tunnel after a couple pieces of cake...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cedar "works" all weekend long

The new swingset made us all frustrated, hopeful, excited, angry, and finally full of happiness this weekend. Yippie!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Cat eats the mouse

Last night while Steve and I were looking at some possible vacation rentals for February we started hearing some squeaking. I thought it was a bat, at first, but Steve quickly corrected me when we watched Meepers dash across the floor. It was quite a moment of Wheeeeee-Ouch. She was doing her job, her role in our family system, however, it completely grossed me out. Especially when she finally caught and swallowed it in three bites. Steve congratulated her and praised her. I told him to put her outside so she didn't throw up in the house. No wonder he is her favorite.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Master Blogger

I have just been found out by the Master Blogger, herself. I hope I am worthy of her visit to my blog.
I am really going to need to be on my A game.

Our little school girl

Look at her all dressed up and ready for school.
Pay no attention to the mess in the background.

back in the game

After a stern talking to last night...I am back at it. Supposedly I have a lot of time to make up for so watch out. I will be posting fast and furiously.