We have this amazing music/band director at our school. Part of his awesomeness is that he has brought dance dance revolution, guitar hero, american idol, and this drum video game into our school. SO...today I pitched to my principal that I should have Guitar Hero in my office. His words, "so Beth, are you saying that Guitar Hero is therapeutic?" "Yes Lloyd, Lloyd all null and void, I am." I replied. (I didn't really say the null and void part-but in my head I did. and it is only because he is awesome.) "For you or the kids?" he quiered. "FOR BOTH".
I am getting GUITAR HERO for MY OFFICE!
And as just a little example, there is a boy who I have been trying to connect with and we played yesterday and today. Today, he challenged us to play Iron Man on HARD. The other day we played it on Medium and we got like 90%-95% correct. So he said we needed a challenge. At the end we were both exhausted and had fumbled through with only 60% correct. He turned to me and said "BUT we got through it, Mrs. Nason." And we high-fived.
Rock on!
Well you get weird George Orwell light effects in your office too?
So awesome! Wish I could play Guitar Hero at work. BUT guess what we got yesterday...and what we will be doing at Nason T-Day....that's right, GH Tournament!
Oh my GODDDD! I wish my HS guidance counselor had been 1/4 as cool as you. We never played video games, she just made me do boring things like take typing.
I dont' know much about these newfangled games, but it sounds like you're reaching the kids with them. Right on.
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