"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us." Anne Lamott
Jeez! When did you go to all these places? I guess you had a life before I met you too...
i had the quintessential after college exploration period with a boyfriend.good trip----bad boyfriend.
Well, look at you being all well-traveled and such...guess I have some catching up to do...
I did one of these and have it on my myspace profile...fun! But is it cheating if you include states you've just been through and not gotten out in?
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Jeez! When did you go to all these places? I guess you had a life before I met you too...
i had the quintessential after college exploration period with a boyfriend.
good trip----bad boyfriend.
Well, look at you being all well-traveled and such...guess I have some catching up to do...
I did one of these and have it on my myspace profile...fun! But is it cheating if you include states you've just been through and not gotten out in?
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