I was 11 years old. Summer was in full swing. We had enjoyed having cousin Becky up for the summer. It was a special summer. Any day- I was going to have a new brother or sister. In my 11 year old brain I wanted nothing more than to be around for the birth of this new sibling. But with the way things are when a baby is born-it just wasn't possible. Waiting in Fayetteville, my dad finally called with the news that I had a new baby sister. Allyson Desiree...I couldn't have been happier.
Now 24 years later...I am far away from her in miles, but I know that when we get the chance to be together again...we will laugh at stupid things, watch chessy t.v shows/movies, make fun of Steve together, and overall just fall back into our sisterly routine.
Happy Birthday Allyson! I miss You!
sniff...sniff...sniffle...bwahhhhh!!!!!!!!I especially miss the part about making fun of steve and eating watching cheesy tv shows...while eating cheese...mmmm cheese...thanksssssss!
sweet pic.
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