I like Gwen Stefani...
I have heard No Doubt and her solo stuff a lot recently and I think I am going to buy a couple albums. I know you are silently judging me....
"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us." Anne Lamott
She started selling out and sucking recently. I liked her first solo album but let me tell you...that second one and the fact that shes touring with Akon?! Awful. Whats the deal with the yodeling??? I think gestating did something to her...like she lost her sensibility. I am so judging you right now!
i have to say i haven't heard the yodeling.
And I don't know who Akon is? I am talking her first no doubt album...I'm just a girl...etc...
Yeah that was a great album. Sigh...I used to love her too. Just dont listen to the new album with the yodeling. And Akon is this trashy rapper dude- very popular right now.Dont worry- I still love you
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