"I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us."
Anne Lamott
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Cutie Pies
The girls and I survived our 4 days without Steve/Daddy. Actually had some fun time and had dinner at other people's houses so things stayed very mangageable. We are all looking forward to hugging Daddy in the morning!
It was 3 days.
And I suffered too.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday=4 days
where'd you go?
Sister of mine- you need to visit me.
OH MY ... you two are airing disagreements over your blog... HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA.... too funny.
And I would like to point out that your last post was January 31... Today is February 7th.... PRESSURE! I know!
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