Pretty damn cute. I miss you. And Maine, and Dover, and Portsmouth and Newmarket and Durham and the traffic circle, the liquor store, the ocean, the people who dont say their "R's", the people who drive really fast and have road rage, snow, snowplows, the barn, route 4, the friendly toast, hangover trips to get fast food, doing my laundry at your place, dining halls, the licker store, ugh...everything! Hopefully that goes away after I realize how cold it is there...but probably not. Love ya
Pretty damn cute. I miss you. And Maine, and Dover, and Portsmouth and Newmarket and Durham and the traffic circle, the liquor store, the ocean, the people who dont say their "R's", the people who drive really fast and have road rage, snow, snowplows, the barn, route 4, the friendly toast, hangover trips to get fast food, doing my laundry at your place, dining halls, the licker store, ugh...everything! Hopefully that goes away after I realize how cold it is there...but probably not. Love ya
terribly-terribly cute! those cheeks...those eyes...
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