Tonight I have had a couple examples of what a creative, funny, little soul my youngest daughter is and I am thrilled and a little scared (haha). Dinner degraded into a pea popping fest when she discovered that peas do that when you squeeze them. After I lay her down to sleep, I came back into check on her an hour later and I didn't see her in her crib. After a hundred things flashed through my brain from she fell out to how the heck did someone break in and steal her..so scary, I walked closer and saw her sitting up in the corner of her crib fast asleep. She had put her blanket back over her and was surrounded by her stuffed animals. I took many pictures and giggled at the sight.
She is a wonderful goof ball.
1 comment:
Ahh, our goddaughter. She is wonderful. Justin and I have been reading your blog without comment until now and we think it's fun to be able to check in on you all. thanks.
The pictures from your dinner out are SUMMER in a nutshell. Ella is a genius photographer. Well done. Hope we'll see you soon.
-Jen and Justin
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