Well no pics this weekend. Sorry for slacking.
I wish I could post the picture I got from a friend on Saturday. Ella has started a dance class with 2 other girls from school. Last friday the parents got to observe. AND of course, the working mom couldn't attend but my friend Deb took many pics...bless her. On Sat. morning at gym class she gave me this framed photo of the three girls sitting from the back. She did something to it on photoshop that made it look like a painting and it is so beautiful. Precious, even. I wish I could show you.
Molly had her second gym class and she is LOVING it. We do parent/child class while Ella does her class and it is a lot of fun. Jumping (really running) on the trampoline, climbing on cushy structures, rolling down mats, hanging from ropes and bars, playing with hula hoops and parachutes...45 minutes flys by. We just signed up for the next session.
Steve and I are getting re-ramped about our house. I think we needed a little break from all the stuff that needs to get done. But I feel a new momentum building and I am hopeful about having a productive winter. We have some painting projects in mind, as well as finishing up the kitchen and the entry way.
We have made some new friends with kids Ella and Molly's ages. They live 4 turns away...relatively close for our area. :) And they are living the same house dream as us. Their advantage or could be disadvantage is that she is an architect. Jay says it gets a little dizzying sometimes when she gets ideas about the house. Their place is wonderful. Overall a great family I look forward to knowing better. Deb and I were pregnant with our kids at the same time and our post woman kept telling us how we needed to become friends, and then my mom met her mom at the BandB in S. Berwick one Christmas and they both said we needed to become friends and then Miss Sue told us we needed to become friends....so finally we both stopped being stubborn and we have started to become friends. We had dinner at their house last night and it was great fun.
Trick er treating tonight with the MCs. Hope Ella can hang in there. She was awfully crabby this morning. Selfishly she better because I have discovered the beauty of the glue gun and I have made the best fall fairy costume!!! I willpost pics!!! Not sure Molly will be happy tonight. She screamed and cried when we tried on the elephant costume. Oh dear.
Two cars to the festivities tonight!
Happy Halloween!